Thursday 30 May 2013



Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite substituted, the chemical reaction formula NixCu0.55-
Zinc, iron O (X = 0.0,0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.30,0.40,0.50) has been prepared by the x 0.45 2 4
Oxalate precursor route. Crystalline phase is characterized by a nickel-zinc and iron Ø × 0.55-X 0.45 2 4
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). Normalized thermal changes
As the temperature sensitivity studies through ac susceptibility techniques. That

As a temperature function of from room temperature to 450 ℃ initial permeability
Measured at 1 kHz frequency words:
Oxalate precursor synthesis, thermal changes, the initial permeability

1.0 Introduction
, Spinel MFEØ attract some researchers, because of their magnetic properties twins 24
Conductors and electrical insulator. These materials are widely used in electronic and electrical industry
Is high, such as high-density magnetic core read / write devices and components manufacturing
High-speed tape, etc. [1,2]. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in the study of the properties of
Ferrite nano-sized particles / ultrafine particles, because of their fundamental importance
Understanding of the physical characteristics and they made a lot of technology
Use [3,4].

Having a spinel type crystal structure of some combination of the magnetic properties of the ferrite
Many survey subject. Spinel ferrite magnetic properties strongly dependent on the distribution of
Cations in tetrahedral and octahedral. Spinel ferrite cations can occupy a prime
Symmetric tetrahedral or octahedral lattice oxygen of a closed package symmetry area.
There are many applications in the high frequency ferrite devices, they play a useful role
Technology and the application of the magnetic field, due to its high resistivity, low eddy currents and
Over a wide frequency range of the dielectric loss. In the transformer core, inductor data, they are widely used
Storage and microwave devices. Basic electrical and magnetic properties can be tailored by carefully controlling the composition and microstructure of the preparation method [5,6].
This paper reports the synthesis of oxalate precursor spinel Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite significantly
Improve the magnetic properties. Susceptibility and initial permeability of the temperature change
Composition were studied.

Ø nickel-zinc and iron oxalate precursor spinel ferrite powder synthesis techniques. × 0.55-X 0.45 2 4
All chemicals were of analytical grade purity â ‰ ¥ 99%, and without any further purification
[7,8]. The prepared material, characterized in that by X-ray diffraction technique, at room temperature by
Cu-K radiation used in the range from 20-80. AC magnetic measurements
Susceptibility techniques. Measurement of initial permeability for torus-shaped dish.

Results and Discussion:
Figure 1 shows a typical zinc and iron sample ö 0.55 0.45 2 4 Synthesis of an X-ray diffraction pattern
Oxalate precursor method. It can be seen from the sample figures are inherently single phase. No
Impurity peaks were observed. Thermal sensitivity classified as zinc, iron ØNixCu compositional variation (0.55 × 0.45 2 4
Said value = 0.0,0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.30,0.40,0.50) is shown. 2. From Figure 2 it is observed that the AC-T

Changes independent of temperature. According to exchange theory, it can be concluded that all
Component contains multidomain (MD) particles based. The initial magnetic susceptibility (AC) is not
Very temperature, Curie temperature near the Curie temperature
Susceptibility sharply to zero does not exhibilting pair of Tc composition of any act.
This indicates that all the composition is a single phase X-ray diffraction analysis proved.

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