Thursday 30 May 2013



Abstract: Tea
First encounter of ancient Chinese society, the UK T-plants
Introduction of tea in India, in order to compete with China, India monopoly T.
The world's largest Ţ drinking States and the second largest producer, India TŤ
Production during 2011 was 988.3 M.Kgs,, compared to 2010 966.4 M.Kgs,
Increased 21.9 M.Kgs. In 2011, India's share of the contribution of 23.4% in the world
Tea production. Time series analysis is used to calculate the tea production and prices. That
Domestic tea production in 2010 is low 12.6 M.Kgs, is placed in 966.4
M.Kgs. Southern India was estimated at 243.4 and prices of M.Kgs
This year Rs. 76.69 per kg. Keywords:
Tea production, price volatility, time series analysis.

1. Introduction OFTEA of
Tea contains catechins, the type of antioxidants, freshly picked tea leaves. In one popular Chinese
legendShennong, legendary Chinese emperor, the inventor of agriculture and Chinese medicine,
Drink a bowl of boiling water, about 2737 BC. Wind and a few leaves from a nearby
Tree fell into his water began to change its colour.The ever inquisitive and curious monarch took a sip
Beer, its taste and its recovery properties.In, the United States in 1880 surprise
As the largest importer of tea came to the forefront of the barque as faster and the ability to repay its debt,
Ť planting Nilgiris in gold.Assam T, Darjeeling Ţ, according to Britain, China today is booming in India
And India is the largest producer of T in world.Tplants is native to East and South Asia and
May be around the converging point of land in northeast India, Myanmar, northern and southwestern origin
China.T Portuguese priests and businessmen in China was first introduced during the 16th century.

Today T is grown in the house and 70% T, T we drink is grown in Sri Lanka, India,
Indonesia, Kenya, Argentina and China.2. T significance
Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared hot or boiling water is usually poured on cured leaf
The T-factories. T is in consumption in the manufacture of the world's most popular beverage.
Switzerland is considered the motherland of bottled iced tea. Two leaves and a bud removal
Involves some processing to produce tea. There are a variety of good tea to promote
Health benefits. Tea can generally be divided on the basis of how they deal with the category. They are at least six different types of T white, yellow, green, oolong tea (or Wulong), black (called tea
China), after fermentation, which is most common in T (or Chinese black T)
Markets are white, green, oolong and black.

3. Type Ť
3.1 Black T
Normal black tea production in two ways, CTC and Orthodox. CTC is
Extrusion, tear and curl during a certain amount of moisture loss. Then withered leaves
By two rollers rotating in opposite directions. This leaves crushed, torn,
Curl. In the Orthodox-oriented manufacturing, dead leaves on the specially designed roll orthodox
Distortion, thus leaving crushed green tea break cells.3.2
Green tea is the main production of two methods, namely steamed and pan. Green tea
Unlike black tea, in so many of the oxidation is allowed to happen. After withering leaves during enzyme
Destruction of heating steam or dry heat (pan).

3.3 Oolong
Oolong tea is semi-oxidized tea. Originally plucked leaves wither in the sun for an hour.
Then, they are dried and then at room temperature indoors.
3.4 Silvertips tea
Usually through Silvertips only picking buds, in natural sunlight and dry. This
Allows prompt retain its velvety silver cover. Bud Dry until they reach
Silver color.

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