Saturday 1 June 2013

The Increasing Popularity of Painting Our Pets

The Increasing Popularity of Painting Our Pets

Pet portrait - drawings and paintings pet how to capture the memories live forever 
Animals and humans have a special relationship, because the dog was the first domesticated by humans thousands of years. Animals have become family members, who we care about everyone has their own unique personality loved ones. 

As we love our pets so much, because they think this way, it has become more and more ordinary people to do their work of art commissioned by dogs, cats or other animals. Within the scope of the style being used also increased. Sketch portrait was once the most popular type, but now more people are turning to watercolors, oil paintings, and even abstract art (abstract art is a good way to catch some special things, may not be able to express your pet's personality sketches) . 

Painting is a great way to make your pet's portrait color, really amazing to see the main features of individual animals and priorities. Painting is a very old and classic techniques, tend to offer the most beautiful results. 

Sketch is a great way to truly capture your pet's face and personal characteristics in detail. This usually works well for close-up portraits, and allows you to really seize an individual's personality, especially in the eyes. Sketches usually in black and white, but the colors are nice (Consider, for example, if you have a ginger cat). 

Watercolor is a great way to Zhuigan very like your pets and their surroundings. This is especially good if you want to include their favorite places to go, just like their favorite field or the beach, because the scenery looks pretty watercolor, really can make your pet's portrait. 

With abstract art, you never know what will happen. Your pet's portrait will largely be the artist's impression of the mood and sometimes the artist's creation. Abstract art is not always to everyone's taste, but it can prove to be a good way to capture your pet's personality unique and fascinating insight. Painting pets, this is not a common choice, but sometimes produce the most amazing interesting results.

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