Saturday 1 June 2013



This is problematic, but it becomes broken, when you start to believe that your body is you have to offer. Although I think most objective debate is very shallow, and I also noticed how pornographic performances restrict their freedom, and destroy their happiness is equivalent to their value (and their value many people are willing to pay membranes to verify their body and their body.) It is a commonplace that a former porn actor desperately said, "€ œBut porn that I know everything! â €? how to perform the camera never know all of them, but in the erotic creation, self- delusions possibilities. 

Itâ € ™ s better self-worth is equivalent to with your physical appearance. Too emotional and thoughtful investment in our body can lead to poor health, daily forced mode. Too many equate self-worth with our bodies can do the same, but the damage is often mental health. We become sensitive, forced, or prone to mood-altering steroids, which for some of the problems magnify. 

But these are just through their direct involvement in pornography porn performers face pressure. 
Because pornography is a global phenomenon, hundreds of millions of people watching, the largest part of the sex industry is the consumer. Consumers make a special and powerful pornography. As viewers derive pleasure pornography, connect them to assume some responsibility for the well-being does not exempt pornographic performances. 
Despite the global popularity of pornography performers did not reduce bias. Teachers have been dismissed simply because they have consensual sex with others, camera, but no one said why pornography was unfit to teach. Olympic hopefuls have been banned from competition under the auspices of pornography in the past, they will not € ™ t properly represent their country, but not pornographic € ™ t part of the country's culture? Pornography, the reality TV star - from their programs have been disqualified, but porn is the original reality TV show, the integration of real and unreal, and fully affirmed, people are willing to pay to watch the performances. 

Involvement in pornography becomes an automatic, unthinking grounds of discrimination. The same people who fire or € œoutâ? Before viewing pornography and pornographic performances. However, the audience can hide pornographic him / her enjoy porn. Therefore, as long as this is true, a lot of people who masturbate porn - this includes most men and more women - Donna € ™ t have felt any connection to pornographic performances, who provides a well-sexual pleasure of the audience. 

All of this is a wide range of social issues. But smaller, the individual's discriminate against? Discrimination porn porn viewers viewers a smaller scale, through unthinking slut humiliated. But pornographic performance arena € ™ t just a spectacle, they in a sense, people look to their sexual partners. Images and movements with their audience into excitement and orgasm. Why do we have to ask, "€ œWhat is gay porn?"? But does not require, "€ œWhat is the way society treats it with people who bring them pleasure you?"? 

This is the bigger problem, and I - and many other of the sex workers - to continue efforts, through, and greater than the scope of this article. Many sex workers are interested in these issues one of the reasons is because they are exposed to Western culture and gender fascinating things. But another reason is that we want to be able to stop this unjustifiable discrimination, be able to do that he did not abuse or dismissal. 

So porn actor: Why should commit suicide? Is not correct the problem. Itâ € ™ s bound to prejudice, misconceptions, and shame. 
A better question: What can we do so in a more convenient, more intense, more healthy sex? 
Each of us, our relationship pornography, may propose a different set of problems and efforts honest answer. 

Actors can also ask yourself: 
I am prepared to porn? Pornography into my life, I'm on my vision of the future in the context? 
I can live with other people's misunderstanding, and drag in anger or sadness attacked? I'll be fine, my parents and relatives to find out (they are invariably find out)? 
The most important thing is that I can keep my knowledge, not only my body, my body is part of me, not me? 

Studio working people can ask yourself: 
I'm ready to put in the effort to show, who may have sensitive feelings about their bodies, while honesty and openness, is a gentle way to deal with? 
I'm honest and open performances, my job, and hired? 
I was transparent (myself and my performance) wages and why certain performers payment amount, and why they are hired or rejected in the first place? 
Studio staff and owners can also request a performer, performers should ask yourself the question: Are you ready? You can do it, rather than put your self-worth, it does? Whether to enter the your life the backdrop, this suitable for you? Etc. 

Viewers can ask yourself: 
I think how pornographic performances? 
I went to the grateful, erotic fun for me, I'm ashamed of you? 
If I am encountered a an porn actor, I I liked it, I will be how to react it? 
Viewers can also watch porn (and sex in general), which will help the sound is so commonplace phenomenon is to talk openly about sex more. 

Of course, these questions worded Donna € ™ t the way, IA € ™ have written them. They Donna € ™ t all be asked once, any one can be difficult to answer honestly. IA € ™ m also familiar enough with many of the problems we face in porn - the way some economic entanglement, desire, shame the best and worst aspects of - you know, the problem alone will not solve all the problems € ™ placed in front of us. But ask such questions, you can pornography and receiving outside help to develop more kindness. 

When Arpad died, many people diversions guilt porn - from lack of openness, reflection, concern sex, pornography, and desire - to his life. Not sympathy, but a lot of people expected guilt and shame. Itâ € ™ s all of us involved in pornography - not just performers, and studio staff, but the audience - to become more loving, open and honest with themselves and each other. Guilt, shame and confusion ways to redemption and conversion, and not by the empty space was once a beautiful man absorbed.

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