Saturday 6 July 2013

In addition, they tend to all the shopping malls

In addition, they tend to all the shopping malls

In addition, they tend to all the shopping malls.
Ah. This is the very sort is not left-wing, in the sense that they have gotten into these sports equipment shop and try on all these training. à mob no € ™ t try things. Or of a looterâ € "looting, really, rather than riot.

But, I mean, what kind of conclusion that a person trying to learn? Itâ € ™ s the sort of thing happens every now and then. Difficult to see any kind of social protest. I think this is opportunistic and cynical. I was horrified to learn some of the sentences were handed down, people do not record a first offense, the deterrent effect of penalties, exemplary sentences. So, you know, incoherent social convulsions, rather than any one could draw conclusions.
But I would like to express class setbacks, too.

Itâ € ™ s not like it. Itâ € ™ s money. And for very good reason. Money is more fluid medium, than classes, more measurable, than classes. This is a protest, and if so, to any extent, the poor. This is the kind of society whereâ "itâ € ™ not very rationalâ" people look at fame and feeling deprived, if they have not € ™ t get it, I feel this is a basic, almost a person's rights, civil rights . The way of wealth have the same feeling, I supposeâ "Why do not € ™ t I do? Many people got Donna € ™ deserve it," 

Messi is a good example. Itâ € ™ s as if it's all the competition out there, but it is not € ™ t own way.
Could have been a summer of rage, what, when, two years ago, three years ago, they thought everything would heat up. My son wrote a great one, demonstrationâ "What this means is the anger of the summer, he said, in his works, there are some anti-globalization types of people that destroyed a McDonaldâ € ™ s is a protest against globalization of important ways. has some old red leftâ "Socialist Workers types of elements. But, he said, it is very inconsistent, but he was unable to form a sharp € ™ t imagine the end. It is amorphous.

This is similar to the Occupy Wall Street criticism, although always a bit short-sighted in my opinion, in the political anger is often incoherent, so to ask consistent protest, sometimes requires a little bit more.
To ask coherent? I like the fact that occupy so leisurely sort on its way. They are there, but apart from Tata € "no slogans, declarations, this is almost no ideology, it is fair, 1% and 99%, I think this is completely legal. Itâ € ™ s fell through, and now, Hasna € ™ t it?

Yes ah, but there is a simple meteorological explanation. It got cold, they had to leave.
Yes ah, but why did not they € ™ t come back? I went to the occupation of Des Moines, was actually frustrating. There is an old guy, looked as if he was originally a forest rangerâ "decent, respectable, reliable and ethical citizens, but the rest are kind of circus freaks, really incredible, all beautiful, but a juggler, children Who, you can tell in his eyes, for one reason or another have not hire his ass CRA ¨ me de la CRA ¨ me, but in New York, they seem like the type of bohemian intellectuals.
I want to ask you about New York, appeared in the money, and how to recognize that the city might find someone to arrive today "to you, say arrived today.

Today, much less the edges. It is still a dangerous place, in the seventies and eighties, before this, € œbroken of windowsâ? Policing strategy seems really effective. Money has also been throughout the city like a rinse. East and letters like land, and now these risks bit chic.
Itâ € ™ s in London, ISNA € ™ t it? It seems to come from New York, London is becoming a banana republic financing, and other types of image a little bit being squeezed out.

Ah. Well, Margaret Thatcher put it brutally, because she always do, if they can not afford to live in London, they have to live elsewhere. Gentrification is like a class cleansing, it € ™ Ş flushing out the proletariat, but the pressure and money. In order to make a good investment now in London, you may have you can find the most violent slums go, know that in 15 years, 10yearsâ € "only one way to go, that is.

IA € ™ m sure, in London and New York have many similarities. They re-par inequalityâ a truly remarkable thing, evil things. In the middle of the century and beyond, the tendency is very egalitarianâ "reduce differences, but now, here and in England, the level of inequality, it is just before the First World War and it came back Tata €" it just relapse those of the ruling class that level. Energy and overall improvement trend has been reversed only in the last 10 years or 20 years, and I think it € ™ trumpet greatly dampened the social divide has become so big.

My nagging thought that the United States, it became more like a chaebol than a democracy. The way the money has been allowed, even encouraged to enter politics. That super PACdecisionâ "I mean, the Supreme Court behaved own health care.

Somewhatâ "Yes ah, a little touch to go, but this little story ISNA € ™ t about the Supreme Court, I think, 30 years," Mein Kampf, "the American publisher sued another publisher printed unauthorized extraction of those books, it does not € ™ t to the Supreme Court, to some of the district court, but the court found in favor of Hitler, which a good analogy to the Supreme Court always doingâ "found in favor of Hitler. Lovely legalism, pedantic, anti - common sense.

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