Saturday 6 July 2013

Emerging markets will one day dominate the global economy

Emerging markets will one day dominate the global economy

The global economy continues to grow, despite the ongoing financial market in the Western world of trouble, especially in the United States and parts of Europe. The biggest reason is in the east and south of the emerging markets. Some industry analysts estimate that next year, emerging markets will account for the world economy, this proportion is expected to increase and dominate in the coming years is almost half the value.

This shift in the balance of global economic wealth has grown over the past two decades, due to a number of different variables. Many experts believe that this is inevitable when we stop to consider the people living in these emerging markets, the total number, representing half of the world's population. Countries such as China, India, Russia, Brazil and Africa's "New Frontier", has long been considered to be underdeveloped, so there is no viable contribution to the global economy as a whole. Because of their levels of prosperity have been rising over the past two decades, has also increased its domestic consumer base, making these areas to attract more investors and foreign investment.

Some industry experts predict that the global economy is likely to double in 2020. Others believe it could double again by 2030, as the global economy becomes more inclusive and the rapid development of wealth and prosperity around the world. According to the forecast, is likely to be a global economic boom began before the end of this decade, once the Panama Canal expansion project is completed, 

sometime in 2015. This may still not have enough time for the United States and parts of Western Europe to get their finances in order to effectively participate and compete in the new global economy, but they work on it. Meanwhile, the rest of the world economy continues to grow and better days to prepare.

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