Saturday 6 July 2013

Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Gold

Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Gold  

Gold is hot on the lips of many investors out there today, and with the government printing money faster than ever, and with the high risk of inflation, many people are now starting to look for a safe place to put there money.

There is a myth that gold is a safe haven in times of economic hardship, but that is not just a myth, as when you look back historically even to the 1800's the price of gold has never really gone down at all. It always seems to move in a very nice uptrend over the long term.
Gold is a unique and precious metal that exhibits extremely high intrinsic and extrinsic features. These features form the basis upon which gold becomes one of the most viable options to put your investment in.

Also the physical worth is just more than having a numerical value.
Intrinsic features are features that are raw, natural and real. Gold’s intrinsic features include;
Corrosion-free - gold is hardly worn out by corrosive materials such as alkaline and acidic compounds. This makes it retain its natural form, Rust-free - unlike iron, gold does not rust.

Malleable - gold can easily be formed and deformed into various shapes and this increases its utility.
Durable - due to it being non-corrosive and rust-free, gold has proven to last centuries in its pure form unlike other metals. This has been evidenced by gold ornaments found in ancient tombs and pyramids in Egypt. This feature alone is a strong reason why you should invest in gold now.
Gold is one of those metals that have highly extrinsic features. Extrinsic features are features that are not intrinsic but are generally aesthetic, ornamental and sentimental. Some of these extrinsic features include;
Rarity - Gold is an extremely rare metal and its rarity continues to abound each and every passing day making it more demanded and less supplied.
Ornamental - Gold, due to its intrinsic and extrinsic features, is highly ornamental. It is the metal used to make some of the most expensive pieces of jewelry.

Sentimentality - Gold is an extremely sentimental object to which many occasions, events and anniversaries are attached. From ancient times, gold has been associated with royalty and as such it had for a long time been a preserve of the rich and mighty. It continues to be so. Handing a gold ring to your bride during wedding is the most sentimental thing in most societies. In some cultures, like Indian society, large amount of gold jewelry are given to the bride during wedding - watch the video below which shows how important gold is in Indian weddings.

Top 10 Reasons Why To Invest In Gold
1) Gold will always be in demand today and in future due to its increasing rarity
2) Gold is inflation-proof due to its non-depreciating attributes and universal demand,
3) Unlike the legal tender (such as coins and notes) which loses value with the fall of a regime, gold never loses value irrespective of change in political and legal status.
4) Gold is a measure of value and therefore is a standard against which international currencies are based and therefore its value can be exchanged anywhere irrespective of the geo-political limitations.
5) Due its limited availability and increasing demand, the price of gold can hardly fall in the long-run
6) Gold can be easily blended with other investments to form a secure and diversified investment portfolio.

7) Gold is a store of value. Due to its stability, most international reserves are stored in form of gold.
8) The ornamental value of gold ensures that it will always be an emblem of beauty, class and nobility and therefore it will continue to be held in high esteem.
9) Sentimental value. Gold will always hold its position as one of the most sentimental gifts awarded as a token of appreciation, recognized and appreciated universally.
10) Gold can be highly secure. Due to its universality in terms of value determination, gold is easy to be insured and stored.

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