Sunday 7 July 2013

Time-lapse video capture comet ISON toward the sun

Time-lapse video capture comet ISON toward the sun

July Fourth is showing off its own solar system some fireworks. ISON Superficially resembles a comet soaring hurtling toward the sun currently up to 48,000 mph.The comet traveling 34,000 miles, in this short video, or 7% of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Visitors stripes quietly deep space relative to the background stars.

Unlike fireworks, comets do not burn, but is actually quite cold. Find streamer tail is really skyrocket icy nucleus bleeding, which is surrounded by a bright star-like coma of gas and dust prospective. 

Its rapid movement captured in this time-lapse movie from May 8, 2013 by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope image sequences. When you shoot, the comet was 403 million miles from Earth, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

This film shows the sequence of Hubble observations taken over a span of 43 minutes and compressed into just five seconds. Comets travel 34,000 miles, in this short video, or 7% of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Visitors stripes quietly deep space relative to the background stars.

Unlike fireworks, comets do not burn, but is actually quite cold. Find streamer tail is really skyrocket icy nucleus bleeding, which is surrounded by a bright star-like coma of gas and dust prospective. Pressure of the solar wind swept material into a tail, like a gentle breeze of wind landmark.

Preheat the comet as it moves closer to the sun, the exchange rate of sublimation (evaporation, in which the solid material directly into gas) will increase similar treatment. Comet will become brighter, its tail will become longer. In November is expected to reach a visible comet.
The comet is named after the organization discovered that the Russian International Scientific Optical Network.

This false-color visible image is the Hubble telescope's Wide Field Camera 3.
The Hubble Space Telescope is a United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the European Space Agency project of international cooperation between. Greenbelt, Maryland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Management telescope. In Baltimore, Maryland, Space Telescope Science Institute for Hubble science operations. STScI is provided by the Association of University Research Astronomy company in Washington, DC,

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