Sunday 7 July 2013

The seller snacks

The seller snacks 

Unless IA € ™ had sat through the night, the morning 05 points 00 points ISNA € ™ t hours IA ™ accustomed to seeing. However, unlike me, 23-year-old Ajay see it every day. If I had fried Pulis see him, he told me that I € ™ ð join him at that moment. 

â € œWhat do to keep you from frying a little later? €? ? I asked. "I have to go [wholesale] market na, sir? Leaf plate, potatoes, coriander, tamarind and all the masala. By the time I get back Ita € ™ 2.00, I must be in the booth 4.00 PMA? 
In his gutka stained lips edge - a smile flashing pierced My educated simply can not understand the complexity of the word is a panipuri. 

The panipuri, from a word set, enable manufacturers â € ~ utilitarianâ € ™ a run for its money, not complicated. This ubiquitous fast food, in every sense, is a major elusive concept, reflects "€ œsimple of Trafalgar? What might complicated about panipuri? Suppliers and their lives, they can even significantly do? 

But in 2011, they did not receive notice of the "prime time news favorably. Maharashtra Navnirman the Sena⪠activist Waterloo panipuri vendors in Mumbai and Pune, some even laughing to the camera while doing so reason this one is an eruption of anger, said video display, bladder mixing vessel into the panipuri polyaniline Pulis a supplier. 

While jokes about filthy panipuriwallahs. ARENA ™ T New Indian city lore, this episode is different, multi-level, leaving more than MNSA € ™ bumps can answer more questions. There must be a greater story, werenâ € ™ t be informed as early as those who have short-term political clothing and living beyond negligible electoral ambitions. 
For the next two years, I have met a few panipuriwallahs, trying to scrape together a fight story. Over time, the facts of the story begin to line up. Facts such as: 
1. Due to the low investment to set up booths, this is a good way for migrant workers to start. 
2. Until some years ago, in this industry of Rajasthan is very high number of immigrants, but they move to work, such as carpentry, masonry, small trade, food, etc., as of today, I can not € ™ t find a single panipuri Vocab ISNA € ™ t from the Hindi belt. I think it € ™, on the one hand, in the case of survival, survival of the fittest â € "to make a living selling panipuris closed the financial sector is far more than a joke dirty hand, Rajasthan immigrants have better support network of family and friends, young seniors adopt better payment, settlement of the transaction. 
3. Their working time is not long and arduous. They have to stand for hours on end, tend to make when you run it, civic authorities to chase, to survive in this industry over the last 30 years of age who do very sore legs. 
4. While urinating into a food container is terrible, because it can get, but the fact is that these people take absolutely no toilet, no place in public areas because they stood hiding place. 
5. Their income is meager, they have to pay high rent for immigrant crime, crime is now bhaiyyas added. 

7. Early business is largely escaped from students and university lover, who is the best customer. Then the audience and the middle-aged woman came to the office to bargain discount. With the growth of the night, it's time for shoppers and alcoholic. The police only recently come to eat free, but also warned them, why they are doing a favor to be allowed to stand here. 

8. They come home late at night, dangerous crossing traffic signal turns off the streets at night. 
But the fact is not € ™ t complete a story; characters. I soon discovered that it would be a tough story, pen down, because it deals with the character, almost non-existent, "a little more, never noticed. Worse glimpses, his character werenâ € ™ t eager to point out that the existing. 

5:30 Dadar Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai 
This place is a mess in every sense € "the sights, sounds and smells. Unlike what fine books tell us about the health of the sea breeze, where the air is stale, in all of this, ignore smelly dirty walls, in their behind the hordes of onlookers all around, couple sitting trademark Mumbai beach starfish like boulders, shamelessly intimacy. 

We choose a file randomly vendor⪠I wiped discoloration of the plastic chairs, with a rag. Some disappointment and some suspicious looks when I turn a blind eye to the menu, and pick out a camera and notebook manufacturers. 

ThodaBAAT Carl Daytona,  I smiled. He did not € ™ t respond. "€ œPress word of the hoon. EK chhota an interview karogey? Young smile, a touch of shyness. 

My work began on the morning of 04, 00, sir. I work in a restaurant as a cook to 11, and then go home for lunch and 2 to set up a stall, I'm here until 10 night.â €? "Every place € œRs.2500 from sir.â
Single sir. Matlab single in Mumbai, but married village.â,? "€ œNear Ranchi sir.â €?" I came to Mumbai Ranchi as a machinist. Here work very hard, but at least money.â? â € œHe [dot stooges] just three weeks ...... I maasiâŞSONA | Rs.1200 a month now, OFFA launch € better than his previous work as a painter in Ranchi. No, no, we never encountered any trouble. Maalikâ € ™ brother was corporator, NA [local body election]. 

5:00 pm, Mandai, Pune Phule 
Oeno, no, I € ™ Ethnographic, "Middle-aged man declare I grabbed his vowels and brisk € ™ t know is that he is not completely honest, but I do not € ™ t urged him. Instead, I ordered a panipuri, gulping, the second one, I told my friend, this is good, mana € | much better than what we got, placeâ | take one, I say.â? trick works . 

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