Saturday 6 July 2013

The risks associated with social media - hackers trick Wall Street

The risks associated with social media - hackers trick Wall Street 

The risks associated with social media 
Although many people think that using social media has tremendous benefits, and today we have witnessed the dark side of social media, but also many risks, especially to make online transactions in the world. 

Send fake tweet briefly veering financial markets, emphasizing the role of technology, in close connection strong gains in global markets after the end of the U.S. stock market turmoil of the day. 
Send fake tweet stock market scurrying, the authorities Tuesday panic do not know how to do. (See below) 

Risks associated with social media - the market after the collapse of tweets sent 
In 2013, many profitable traders use social media to share ideas, bypassing the charts, links to websites, you can increase the global market and the surrounding profit opportunities. However, we must understand that there is a dark side of social media, is not taken seriously. This unfortunate incident, or what is known as a fragile social media aspects of the market should be "wake-up call" to regulators social media presents a significant threat, not only to the general public, but also to the investment community and other traders to use social media as a way of communicating in the trading day. 

Today's event brought back memories of terror flash crash occurred in May 2010, allegedly hackers access to AP Twitter account after the bomb exploded, the White House released false information. 
As you can see the market slipping the moment, fortunately, through social media news network, strong enough to correct the error, the message is indeed a fake malicious hacker sends tweets. 
In 2013, we understand and realize the true power of social media, but if the right social media impact on the stock market ups and downs we know when to stop, and said: "Who do this, why do some pundits regulation ? "These are all valid questions! 

Although there is no quick fix or easy answers here, and today is certainly sounded the alarm on Wall Street professionals, traders think of those who stop harmful use of social media. 
We must understand that there are a number of traders and the data of the house, simply tweet using social media content and organization of large-scale algorithms and lightning-fast high-volume industries can slam the market fell nearly one point, the speed is very fast. 

Market is a fast-paced environment, is itself an entity. It is a stressful environment, traders times, and these kinds of additional risks should not be thrown into the mix and traders minds as they go trading day. 

Kevin Ferry said odd movement earlier in the day, the S & P 500 mini futures contract, president of Cronus Futures Management, recommends AP tweet is a businessman looking to make money grow. 
You might suspect that all of this is being planned by a trader, but if this is true, it would have been in the market for a good day this tweeter. He only did it because he knew he could get away with it so easy. 

We have seen the risk of hackers and social media can have, this problem will not disappear soon. They have yet to find a person to attack (false tweet), but if they can not even catch them, what happens? They even broke any material legal? At the moment no one really knows? 
As you can see there are many risks associated with social media, even in the trading world, and today we see a good example. Danger of social networking sites is really only now exposed to these stories to light. 

Why, every time we see social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter's dark side, linkdin people seem to throw up their hands and say that the problem is too difficult to deal with the problem is not easy to navigate possible solutions. Is not that what the hackers want? To know that they have at their fingertips to keep the supreme authority, by sending a 100-character tweet, have the ability to put on a matter of seconds, rather than billions of closed markets in trouble. 

Authorities to better grateful quickly resolve this problem, because the next time someone with more advanced skills can do a lot worse, no one will be ready with the aftermath. 

Maybe this is a wake-up call that we all need to try and stop these external markets, threatening the world of online trading. Traders have enough on their plates, each week there may be implicated than their profits and losses for each day worried about hackers and the threat of fake tweets. Market manipulation and traders have been enough and do not need to worry about trouble, these sorts of problems in the back, and they just want to get in there, make some money, and then get out.

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