Saturday, 6 July 2013

Investors top 5 applications - which one is right for you

Investors top 5 applications - which one is right for you

In 2013 the rise of the iPhone, iPad and other smaller Internet devices, many investors are now aware, no matter who they are or where they are, they have instant access to the stock market, market news instantly.

Here are the top 5 most popular in 2013's investor list of applications.

1. Bloomberg

This very popular app is a must, anyone keen to keep abreast of market trends news across categories, including technical, political and commodities.

Packed biggest stories from Bloomberg radio and video podcasts, news section is user-friendly.

Horse, Ş much that it is free - so you can track the journey of your portfolio's performance at no additional cost.

However, you may find that Bloomberg applications easier and more pleasant to use many of the features on the iPad larger screen than a smartphone on a better job.

Available on iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry

2. Morning Star

Track your investments and stay Morningstar mobile application market.

Latest release features include the ability to sync to your Morningstar portfolio, create and edit the watch list and view performance charts of stocks, funds, ETFs and indices.

Application by the Money "magazine as the top performer, you can also access real-time quotes and investment philosophy. Even better, it's free.

Available on iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry

3. Wall Street Journal

Stay up to date with the latest financial news, download Wall Street Journal application, which may affect your portfolio.

It's free basic user (different applications from rival publication "Financial Times"), and can be easily tracked in the U.S. and European financial events.

However, a large number of interactive features, including video and slideshows on the big screen would work better.

Provide iPad, iPhone, Android's

For serious investors:

4. iCurrency pad

Investment in listed companies elsewhere in the world, and the value of the local currency may be confusing. iCurrency pad can help you make money.

Foreign currency transactions will become easier and easier, whether you are in developed or emerging markets.

Application's features include trend data graph different currencies and exchange rates to the minute.

Although not free, download this application low cost, only 69P, and provides a wealth of information and make it very easy to digest format worth the money.

Available on iPad, iPhone

5. Shareprice

Need to immediately know when the price reaches a certain level? Free SharePrice application, its shares real-time alert system, which can be the one for you.

SharePrice so you can access real-time throughout the London Stock Exchange, as well as 13 kinds of currency values, and 17 stocks and commodities indices.

The application is likely to prove too complex, but if you just want a what is happening on the market overview.

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