Tuesday 9 July 2013

India's booming education industry offers tremendous business opportunities

India's booming education industry offers tremendous business opportunities 

In India, education is the key task of nation-building. It is also an accepted fact, providing the right knowledge and skills to youth, in order to ensure the country's overall progress and economic growth. Indian education system is recognized by the values ​​imparted education secularism, egalitarianism, respect for civil liberties and democratic traditions and the role of seeking justice. 

Sustained demand, in order to strengthen the education sector in India has opened up many ways, the people of India and Indian (NRI) of non-resident investment in education sector.Market SizeThe Indian education sector is constantly evolving, the emergence of new leadership niche industries such as vocational training, finishing school, child upgrading of skills and e-learning. 

According to the India Education Report ": Protection of demographic dividend", Grant Thornton, primary and secondary education, or K-12 department released, is expected to reach 50 billion U.S. dollars to 2015 U.S. dollars from 2008 to $ 24.5 billion, an increase in the estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 14 per cent.Government initiatives in India, improve InvestmentsThe education sector also think that as one of the main areas of investment, as the entire education system is undergoing a process of overhaul, according to the report âEUR ~ emerging opportunities in advanced EducationâEUR ( TM) by the PricewaterhouseCoopers PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) private and foreign participants. 

Ever since, the Indian government has allowed foreign direct investment (FDI) up to 100%, through the automatic route, many people find it convenient and profitable investment in the education sector. 

Some of the measures taken by the Government in the education sector infrastructure development and increasing business opportunities: 
2012-13 25,555 crore ($ 4.63 billion) has been allocated to the RTE-SSA (Education - Salva Shiksha Abhiyan program right) represents in 2011-12, an increase of 21.7% over the prior year allotment 
6000 schools have been proposed to be set up at the block level model schools 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) 
3,124 crore (U.S. $ 566.69 million) has been provided RMSA (RASHTRIYA Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Programme), an increase of 29% in 2011-12 
India and South Korea have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), cooperation in the field of education 
Premier Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program has been launched in New Delhi, Mr. S, the Joint Science and Technology Minister Reddy Jaipal, according to Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) 
Human Resources Development (MHRD) program in 2012 with the establishment of 10 community colleges cooperation with the Government of Canada. The Indian government has decided to set up one hundred yuan Community College this year 

Indian government plans to invest 28.75 billion rupees ($ 52.15 million U.S. dollars) to establish an India Ranchi Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology. The Institute will be deemed universities, schools will have different import in genomics, bioinformatics, genetic engineering, nano biotechnology, diagnostics and contraceptives and basic social science and commercialization .

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