Saturday 6 July 2013

In India education sector investment options

In India education sector investment options

Education is the key to modernization. The fact that all modern societies, emphasizing education as a sustainable economic development model, can be realized from the importance of education. There is a huge demand in India, the upgrading of the education sector, by 2020, the country is expected to have surplus of 4.7 billion people in the working age group. India, a city consumer trend forecasting, education spending nine percent of his purse, while the rural consumer spends only six percent.

Education IndiaIn past few years, India's education sector has undergone a series of changes, resulting in the education industry's market share increased significantly. With economic growth and enhanced technology, it has become necessary to develop the education sector in India. Fund is a major concern in the market to meet this demand. Indian government has taken many measures to attract investment, non-resident Indians (NRIs) the development of educational infrastructure. Through the entry and operation of foreign educational institutions (Regulation) Bill, "which will help to make foreign investment in India's education and shaping the education industry structure, especially on higher education, the Government has also opened the door to foreign universities.

India's growth momentum in the education sector
Demographic advantage
According to the 2011 census, 35.3 percent of India's population is under 14 years old
Increase awareness on education, career development as a priority and the necessary tools
Providing employment opportunities and salaries increased investment in education in India cautious
HR-oriented economy
An educated and skilled labor force increased demand services
Service sector share of GDP from 30% in 1950 to 55% in 2007
Delivery of technical assistance
Virtual learning and education technology penetration increases

New employment pathways
Newer channels of employment, such as knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), retail, aviation, animation, etc. require highly skilled human resources
India's Education Sector Education Sector Investment Opportunities in India is also considered one of the main areas of investment, as the entire education system is undergoing a renovation process, according to private and foreign higher education participants reported "emerging opportunities by the Luo Bing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).

The Indian government has allowed foreign direct investment (FDI) up to 100%, in the education sector through the automatic route.

According to "India's higher education - the new emerging sectors of real estate," real estate consultancy firm DTZ Research, the higher education sector in India requires 5,550 square feet of additional educational space (not including dormitories, canteens , recreational facilities and other support services) to meet India's target of 30% by 2020, higher education gross enrollment ratio (GER) government.

The sky rocketing economic growth will need to force the infrastructure development to cope with the needs of the large number of engineers and management graduates. Enter foreign universities, not only will intensify competition, but also provides an international platform where they can achieve high-quality learning Indian students.

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