Thursday 4 July 2013

Growth of Tourism in India

Growth of Tourism in India 

Tourist activity refers to tourists. Tourists taking a trip less than a year, his / her usual environment outside the main destinations, travelers in the country outside the entity resident or employed in any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) places to visit, According to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). 

Tourism is an important social and economic phenomenon in many countries. It is through the creation of jobs and enterprises, infrastructure development and export income socio-economic progress of the main driving force. 

India Tourism 

Compared with many other countries, India's services sector has an advantage with a unique tangible and intangible cultural, natural and man-made rich and diverse tourism resources, many of which are world-class quality. India's huge competitive from tourism point of view of its ancient civilization and still alive, causing four of the world's great religions and philosophies, and bring travelers and trade thousands of years ago. India's rich natural resources and rural scenery, inside its ancient past and modern architecture artifacts. India's contact with other civilizations is reflected in the rich cultural diversity of the people through their language, food, traditions, customs, music, dance, religious practices and festivals, the overall treatment of traditional arts and crafts. 

Overview of tourism sector in India 

Today, tourism is India's services sector is the most dynamic, has a strong hold on the economy. The sector contributed 6.23 percent, up to the national gross domestic product (GDP) and total employment in India's 8.78 percent. In addition, India is ranked 42nd in the world in terms of foreign tourist arrivals in the country (FTA), according to the report entitled "competitive tourism sector in India and other countries in the world selected Ministry of Tourism, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) titled "India in the next 10-15 years, one of the fastest growing tourism industry. 

Free trade agreements, while in India tourism (foreign exchange) income (expense) growth rate of 21 percent a year earlier, an increase of 2.8% over the March 2012 March 2013. 

During March 2013, visa arrived (VOA) scheme, the Government of India has recorded 63% growth. Issued a total of 2,107 of the VOA last month compared to the March 2012 issue of 1,287 VOA. 

India tourism investment options 

Per capita income in the country's strong growth is to promote tourism in India. Displaced population and rising youth population plus lifestyle changes are leading to greater spending leisure services. Indian government is aimed at tourism policy, tourism projects, development of an integrated tourist routes, in the hotel industry specific capacity building and new marketing strategies, rapid implementation.

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