Saturday 6 July 2013

Georgia - what country prepared for you

Georgia - what country prepared for you

The whole system was created to make business processes easier and more efficient for people who are willing to expand their business board, into a new country, make some money. These include:
1. For your business unique location
a) In the bridge between Europe and Asia, the Silk Road, to visit Europe, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the GIS market.

Two) connected to the Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Mediterranean harbor.
C) developed railway, port and airport systems
D) two winter skiing and summer swimming resort.

2. Business-oriented economic development
A) easy to start legal procedures (24 hours)
b) Foreign investors can easily enter the market
c) No local partnership is mandatory
Four) Privatization of state-owned projects
Foreign investors can easily enter the market

3. Unique potential is still huge
A) bringing innovative technologies
b) The new business ideas
c) World market participants Attractions
D) find niche markets
Available today

4. Low-tax or no-tax
To keep more money for themselves in Georgia
Income tax - 20% (flat rate)
Corporate income tax - 15%
VAT - 18%
Tariffs - 0%, 5% or 12%
Property Tax - 1%
Branch remittance tax - 0%
Most 0% customs revenue
Work Free Industrial Zone - Poti, Kutaisi
No more than 7200 kinds of products of export taxes.
5. Sources and Resources "Did you find your market and develop it.
AOE "Demand for office space
AOE "demand for commercial space
AOE "Hotel needs
AOE "entertainment center needs
AOE "Demand restaurants
AOE "the development needs of the tourism sector
AOE "21 micro-climate zones
AOE "irrigate almost everywhere
AOE "wide choice of aquaculture products
AOE "low prices (from 400 yuan per hectare of agricultural land)
AOE "low-cost labor - net wage from 205 yuan
Other reasons
You will be a strong legal framework for local
You can get live, and in Georgia.
Simple, LLC entered Georgia market offers investors a store's business solutions. The company's goal is to achieve complete customer satisfaction work, win to win, in order to maintain long-term partnership basis. Access to overseas markets is always a strategic decision. Investors know their goals, or just looking for an option - Company organization's business processes, they need full comfort - simply. Create a wide range of services to help investors distant relatives, their arrival in the various business lines, including: real estate, agriculture, tourism, import / export, global franchising.

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