Saturday 6 July 2013

Cashin pension

Cashin pension

New option - self-managed pension
Your funds transfer to a self-administered pension trust, and you decide what to do with your money
You will have complete control over the money you save in your pensionâ 
"Some people decide to use the money to pay for the expensive debt
"Some people use it to make investments, they think than their current pension scheme will produce a better return

"Some people use it to start a new business, property investment, or investment in existing business
The program features -
This process is completely legal (leading Queen supported by legal opinion)
Tax efficient and fully disclosed to HMRC

Run by a registered company frequently (Office of Fair Trading)
More than five years to run successfully
With over 21 years of successful operation of the pension trust structure
You may have seen a warning FSA (Financial Services Authority) and other authoritative bodies on "€ œpension loans a €?," Œpensionunlockingâ? Or Aœpensionliberationâ €? scamsâ € plan, he said, many of these plans, and some are actually illegal. What is the problem of the plan?

They take 40-70% of your pension as a € œcommissionâ of €? Their services, so you and your pensionâ 30% less the current value

They are your pension transferred to A € œhighlydubiousâ? Unregulated investment schemes, often based overseas sounds "€ œtoo too good to be true?" Might be!

They may mean Department (HMRC) tax man will ask you liberate your money from your pension before the age of 55 pay 55% tax

They may involve a loan, you can now take your pension as collateral. If anything goes wrong, you can leave when you retire, there is no pension

Our solution is how different?
You keep your pension at least 85% of the present value of
You take control of your money. Your money to stay in the UK. You and only you decide what to do with money

Our plan is tax-efficient full disclosure, HMRC, supported by legal opinion leading UK tax counsel (QCS), by professional indemnity insurance, to further support
There is no Aœloansâ? No money to pay in the future - your money is transferred to a trust you, only you have complete control

To find out whether this could work for you - free reservation phone today, use the form on the top right corner of this page.

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