Tuesday 9 July 2013

Apple's cash balance, the global telecommunications industry mergers?

Apple's cash balance, the global telecommunications industry mergers? 

As every coversation with my father, Ronald Basel: Apple think different companies. Its people are extraordinarily bright, and its idea is exceptionally € ~ out there ™ and change the world, it has an uncanny knack. With the endowment by the "Fortune" magazine world Ş most admired and most valuable company runs four years, Apple seems to be the perfect public relations and capitalist microcosm. 

What to light in recent years, the company's treatment of unusual cash, reaching $ 100 billion this year, a huge amount. Analysts believe that Apple will generate about $ 40 billion this year, in 2013 reached $ 50 billion, in 2014 more than 60 billion U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, Apple also found no significant cash spending plans. A moderate quarterly dividend of 0.5%, and $ 10 billion stock repurchase program announced earlier this year, but considering the next three years, the influx of $ 150 billion, and is currently in the bank more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, which is a decrease Ocean! 

So, what is Apple going to do all this cash? Well, let's look at history: in 2001 introduced the first generation iPod unexpected sweeping the globe, resulting in huge sales and see Apple company became super megacompanies realm. Thereafter per iPod in the public eye is a stunning new phenomenon. MacBook launch, starting in 2006, saw a fascinating new laptop devices, once again the unexpected huge success again. Then came the first generation iPhone in early â € ™ 07, a new mobile experience that revolutionized the mobile communication. Of course, the iPad, a completely new and unexpected gun bullets fired from Apple. 

Apple has done everything has been a game changer. When Apple's move, which makes a big one. When Apple's move, before it destroys everything, and to provide something better. This is not a byproduct of Apple's corporate culture, it € ™ s who they are. Only new factor is the huge cash balance equation, my guess is that there is something BIGafootâ € satellites. 

Nearly a quarter of the expected cash balance of $ 1 trillion in less than three years, Apple is the only company in the world to launch a global, powered mobile satellite network's ability and motivation. Fundamentals are simple, spending $ 200 billion of satellites launched into space, issue a new generation of "€ ~ I-productsâ ™ to facilitate the transition to satellite-based communications, and launch a global communications network overnight. 

Never again have such a thing "€ ~ Pre-losing signalâ ™ in your phone and you can stand on the top of Mount Everest in Nepal holiday in the Maldives, your grandmother chat! 3G will become a thing of the past, the Internet anywhere in the world Instant would connect your iPhone, iPad, MacBook and all other equipment via satellite floating kilometers above in space. communication in the whole world will be synchronized. 

Apple has entered each category of personal technology-based, it has a push boundaries opportunity awesome reputation. What's left to do, but we know everything about mobile communications, replaced by a new paradigm subversion? They've done a dozen times, they will do so again. WEA € ™ re watching "Star Wars" to become a reality, it is: starting with Apple.

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