Thursday 4 July 2013

10 facts about gold

10 facts about gold 

Here are 10 facts about gold, you might find interesting. 
1) gold continue to rise. Why is this? 
People tuning of gold, because when the Spanish introduced more gold to their currency system, which caused the devaluation of gold, the same can be said for A € œmoneyprintingâ? World currency. We can see from the price rise GOLDA € ™, since the 20th century, 70 years, because of the expansion of continuous monitoring base, if we apply the same logic, gold prices continue to rise in the coming years! (The price of everything). 

2) Compare gold dollar 
About fluctuation, people tend to put goods or commodities as volatile. Nobody's problem, if the U.S. dollar, which is a volatile movement against everything. Let's face it, how many times have you seen all commodities fell against the dollar.

3) central banks are buying gold BIG TIME! 
GOLDA € ™ s point about the value of gold can not be printed like paper money. Gold has always been attention to time begins. (New production) is relatively fixed supply of, and demand fluctuations. The world € ™ s central bank devalued banknotes and personal concern is Japanâ € ™ of the United States of UKA € ™ € ™ quantitative easing monetary policy, the inevitable consequence, it is recognized as a store of value policy. 

The central bank is still actively buying gold. But the interests of the gold market manipulation, do not want to see the dollar's embarrassment, its value decreased, and achieved significant gold prices continue to rise. If these interests can suddenly flood the market, through the sale of 300 tons of gold ~ futuresâ € ™ within a few hours, they can guarantee disturbing people's trust in gold. But for some time. Demand for gold has not disappeared. Retail demand for gold soared in recent weeks after falling market manipulation has occurred. 

4) People caught up in the short-term price movements. 
Gold is an investment, it is saving. If your grandpappy had chosen to keep $ 20 bill than an ounce of gold (worth about $ 20 at that time) in 1913, how will inherit the look today? $ 20 bill = $ 20 bill, one ounce of gold = 1 ounce of gold (worth about $ 1,500 today). 
It is this key factor in the long term impact of wealth preservation precious metals as gold investors to maintain a rational â € œsaverâ €? . Investors' savings is worth something in the future, when their children or grandchildren to accept them. Dona € ™ t get the short-term price movements blinded. 
5) Gold is a stable storage real value. 

Two thousand years ago, a complete costume, you can buy one ounce of gold in 2013, today, a full set of clothing or litigation will take one ounce. You will still get the same. 
6) People buy gold first. 

At the moment there is a wealth rapidly from west to east, and we know, China, Brazil, India, and most Asian countries, gold worth more than people from the West, such as Europe and the United States, Canada and other countries, and perhaps this why the demand for gold increased, resulting in a very high price. Even China and Brazil, the Indian people are in possession of gold, even in small amounts. According to reports, in 2013, Asians will not buy a BMW car and expensive precious things first, they first buy gold, it Ş and Westerners completely different, so they are rich, they have when bad things happen in the world economy. Even if the Chinese government encourages people to buy gold, but at the moment led to increased demand for retail gold price cheaper. Sounds crazy, but it is the fact that in Asia. 

7) in the U.S. elite are buying gold. 
These social and economic elites or manipulate the government said to have bought a ton of gold and silver. They know the system, there are a lot of debt, and now they create, they are buying gold because they are now ready to massive inflation and U.S. currency lost value in one day. 
8) to win the gold in the long run. 

Gold is a stronger market, but a lot more sensitive to € œnewsâ? (Real or created). 
Ask yourself a question, if you get wealth preservation (one million U.S. dollars worth mentioning), and in the 1000's time capsule to be opened task ... what would you put it? U.S. dollars or gold bullion? Whether we like it or not nothing will change, the gold in the 100 years from now. 
8) support for gold as an investment. 

When someone wants, or is able to calculate the difference between the value (according to "œrealâ? Gold) Euro œpaperâ? Gold, physical gold, which will drive the price of gold $ 2G range what" € œbackupâ €? All financial transactions in the world today do? (The "€ œderivati ​​vesâ €?? Market is another" € œkettlefishâ??, New gold supplies may not be possible to support 100A € ² trillion $ Ş deal every day!) Your best bet gold far! 
9) Gold is not any other investment in the Notes

Many people buy, the body's own gold values, they can feel and touch the intentions of these people do not care about the daily ups and downs of the market, are more concerned about what they consider valuable, others might in the future value. 

This can be any number of things: they are uncertain of the strength of the monetary system, they do not trust banks to hold cash, they want to land than other types of investments, they want something of value, they can give future generations. It makes sense, your money, a large proportion of gold investment, investment should be different, but the gold investment, you are most likely protected from the outside world. 

10) the real value of gold holdings. 
Gold as an investment to pay any dividend, but will always be worth something one day, when the bill. No one knows when there will be, but the U.S. government to print money the way they are accelerating this process. 

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